Each topic provides a framework enabling meaningful, contemporary conversations about Jewish heritage and values.
This initial bundle includes all 24 booklets, from CREATION to ZACHOR.
By Rabbi Reuven Butler
Explore what it means for the Jewish people to be a “holy nation”, and the responsibilities it entails.
Crossing Waters and the triumph of faith over fear.
Explore the Jewish understanding of creation and its relationship with our purpose in the world.
Analyze the famous battle between David and Goliath and its lessons on courage and faith.
Explore the stories of Noah and the Tower of Babel, and their significance in understanding divine influence.
Discuss the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai and how God’s presence manifests in moments of revelation.
Explore the moment of confrontation between Jacob and Esau and the strategies for survival that emerged from it.
Reflect on Jacob’s dream and its deeper meanings regarding our connection to the divine.
Reflect on the dynamics of family relationships, jealousy, and forgiveness in Joseph’s life.
Analyze Abraham’s journey and its lessons on faith, trust, and new beginnings.
Analyze the rise and fall of King Saul and the leadership lessons we can learn from his story.
Explore the messages of the prophet Yechezkel and the role of hope in Jewish survival during times of adversity.
Reflect on the significance of the Shema, its core message, and its role in Jewish identity.
Investigate the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah and the moral lessons we derive from it.
Delve into the 13 Attributes of Mercy and their significance in prayer and divine compassion.
Explore the challenges faced by the Israelites in the midbar (wilderness) and their journey towards faith.
Investigate the transition from Moshe to Yehoshua and its contemporary relevance in the transmission of Jewish tradition.
Reflect on the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and its spiritual symbolism in Jewish life.
A deeper look into suffering, faith, and divine justice as presented in the Book of Job.
Engage with the story of Bilaam and explore the power of words, intentions, and choices between blessing and curse.
Explore the concept of Nisayon—challenges and growth opportunities that shape Jewish history and personal development.
A deep dive into the Exodus from Egypt and its relevance and impact on Jewish life and values.
Delve into the manner we are urged to "remember" in Jewish tradition, and explore approaches to memory, loss, and legacy.